一、Instructions – Replacing shear blades
1. Take off the upper and lower blades need to be replaced. Clear the base of blades.
2. Put the upper and lower blade together inside the base. Screw in the bolts through the upper blade inner side hole.
3. Screw in the bolts through the inner side hole on the lower blade.
4. Tighten the rest bolts on the lower blade
5. Screw the bolts on the end side of the upper blade.
二、Instructions – Replacing shear blades (PBS-9)
三、Instructions – Replacing spring
1、After several years service, the shearing blade probably wearout and aroused the shearing edge not perfect. We provide the replacement blades to extend the service time of your machines.
2、Replace spring will be easy if you do it right.
3、Here is demo instructions about how to replace spring.