Some Tips about the Magnetic Sheet Metal Brake
- Please deburr the metal prior to inserting into the brake so that it won't beat up the magnetic pad (which appears to be cast from epoxy). The epoxy embeds the electromagnetic coil.
- The brake required 220V power source and provide 6 ton magnetic clamping force. Keep in remind, carefully operate the machine and it seems you could easily pinch your fingers if you're not paying attention.
- The most attractive feature of the brake is that you can easily bend a radius - simply place a piece of round rod in front of the die (making sure that there was sufficient clearance for the leaf (the moving part that bends the metal) to clear the table.
- Finally (related to comment #3, and this applies to all brakes), make sure that the die is set back from the front edge of the machine 1-1/2 times the thickness of the metal you're bending. This allows sufficient clearance so you don't "spring" the leaf which effectively ruins the brake - the danger of damaging this machine from not allowing sufficient die setback is no greater with this unit than any other brake of any type - again, just something to be aware of during operation.